Welcome to the blogspot of Melbourne writer, Elizabeth Jane

Welcome to the blogspot of Melbourne writer, Elizabeth Jane

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pethau welais i yn y Grampians - things I saw in the Grampians

Blodau gwyllt - wild flowers

Kangaroos diog - lazy kangaroos

Mamau a babanod

Clywais i'r kookaburras chwerthin, hefyd - I heard the kookaburras laugh too.

Dyn ni'n cael dros y Sul yn hyfryd


I did a book talk this morning at Ashburton library. The titles I reviewed were:

Sacred Hearts - Sarah Dunnant

Life Mask - Emma Donoghue

Sarah Thornhill - Kate Grenville

Eona - Alison Goodman

All great reads

I spent the afternoon at the State Library of Victoria.

The above titled book, dated 1839, was just one of the volumes I found myself reading - along with medical journals, sick lists, and general summarys of emigrant voyages.

I love the research side of writing. 

I also saw Antoni Jach in the rare books reading room - so all in al, a true literary day.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love wins - chapter five

Did you think I had stopped reading?
No way, this book is gold. Here are some more quotes:

'How many people, if you were to ask them why they've left the church, would give an answer something along the lines of, ''it's just so small."

'Of course. A gospel that leaves out its cosmic scope will always feel small. A gospel that has its chief message as avoiding hell or not sinning, will never be the full story. A gospel that repeatedly, narrowly affirms and bolsters the "in-ness" of one group at the expense of the "out-ness" of another group will not be true to the story that includes "all things and people in heaven and on earth."'

And another:

'We want to know that the last word hasn't been spoken, we want to know that the universe is on our side, we want to know on Friday that Sunday will eventually come.'

Finally ...

'Because that's how the universe works.
That's what Jesus does.
Death and resurrection.
Old life for new life;
One passes away, the other comes.
Friday then Sunday.
You die, and you're reborn.
It's like that.'

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ganwyn yn fy nghardd - spring in my garden

Beth sy'n digwydd yn y ardd? - what is happening in the garden?

Mae'r 'borage' a 'feverfew' yn taenu - there is borage and feverfew sprouting.

Mae'r mint yn dyfu yn glou - the mint is growing fast (I don't know how to write taking over)

Mae fy 'granny's bonnets' wedi dod yn ôl gyda bwrw glaw yn dda - my granny's bonnets have come back with the good rain.

Dw i'n caru Ganwyn yn 'Melbourne.' - I love Spring in Melbourne.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A quote from Albert Einstein

'If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy stories. If you want them to be even more brilliant, read them even more fairy stories.'

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cyntaf rhosyn o Ganwyn

Dyma fy nghyntaf rhosyn i'r dymor - my first rose of the season

Mae e'n ogeluo yn hyfryd - it smells lovely.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gwlyio y pel-droed - watching the football

Mae heddiw yn y rownd terfynol o bel-droed, rheolau Awstraliantoday is the final round of Australian rules football. 

Dyn ni’n enw e 'r ‘Grand Final'  – we call it the Grand Final.

Mae gyfrianchol gyda fi I have a secret. Dw i ddim yn hoffi pel-droedI don’t like football. Dydy e ddim yn Awstralian iawn – this is not very Australian. Efallai, dw i’n gwylio y pel-droed gyda fy nghwr, Andrew, prynhawn yma Therefore, I am watching football with my husband Andrew, this afternoon.

Dyma ydy e'n bwyta creisionhere he is eating crisps.

Mae fe’n gallu bwyta creision achos mae fe’n mynd i feicio bob dydd Sadwrn yn y mynydd he is able to eat crisps because he cycles every Saturday in the mountains. Dw i ddim yn bwyta creision achos dw i’n cysgu bob dydd Sadwrn yn y gwely gwastadI am not able to eat crisps because I sleep in every Saturday, on a flat bed.

Achos, dw i ddim hoffi chwaraeon, dweudais i i fy nghwr – bydda i’n gwylio y pel-droed os dw i’n gallu gweithio yn fy nghyfrifriadur a yfed coffi. Because I don’t like sport, I said to my husband – I will watch the football if I can work on my computer and drink coffee.
Dw i’n cael y prynhawn hfrydI am having a lovely afternoon. Dw i wedi ysgrifennu llthyr i fy Nghefnder yn GymruI have written a letter to my cousin in Wales. Dw i’n ysgrifennu y blog yma, nawr – now, I am writing this blog.

Fel i ddweud, dw i ddim yn hoffi pel-droed – like I said, I don’t like football. Ond dw i’n gobeithio bod y tîm Gathod yn enill – but I hope Geelong wins.

Pam? Why?

Pryd, daeth fy nheulu o Lloegr i Awstralia, daethon ni fyw yn dref Geelongwhen my family came from England to Australia, we lived in Geelong. Roedd fy Nhad yn gweithio i ‘Ford’my dad was working for Ford. Effallai, dw i’n gobeithio bod tîm Geelong yn enill, heddiwtherefore, I hope Geelong wins today.

Mae nhw yn enill, nawr, am y trydydd chwarterthey are winning now, at he third quarter. Mae y gêm yn mynd yn gyffrous – yn gyffrous iawn, iawn. The game is getting exciting – very, very exciting.
Mae rhaid i fi stopio ysgrifennu, nawr  I must stop writing now. 

Edrych â y gêmwatch the game.

Efallai, dw i’n gwneud hoffi pel-droed tipyn bachperhaps, I do like football, a little bit.

Efallai, dw i’n tipyn bach Awstralian, hefydperhaps I am a little bit Australian too.

Mae flin da fi, am fy nrwg Cymraeg - sorry about my bad Welsh. :-)